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Friday, October 16, 2015

How to check your download and upload speed

How to check your download and upload speed

This is actually really easy and fast, all what you need to do is:

 and then click on "BEGING TEST"

and then you will get the results like that for Example:

How to download and use VPN-Gate

How to download and use VPN-Gate

Why would you use it?

  • Free to use
  • Easy to use
  • The commounity of the program allways updating the list of the servers

 How to download it?

You can find the link here:

How to Install it? 

Open the download and then click on:

 Open the file

 Click Next untill you are getting this page:

 wait till it ends and then click Finish:

How to use it?

Open the program and click on, VPN Gate  Public VPN Relay Servers.

And then select any server of the VPN by any category that you want ( Region number of sessions, Line Speed, Ping and etc )

For Exapmple i will choose a USA Server and then i will click "Connect to the VPN Server"

 and then click OK:

 (Warnning: Don't quit the program before you are dissconnecting from the server)


How to enable and use Telnet Client

Hi, Its Tomer here, and today I'll show you how to enable and use Telnet Client.

Why would you use it?
You would use it if you don't remember your Router's Login Information, Or if someone changed it and you want to change it back.

So what do we need to do?

1. Go to the Start Menu and search: Turn Windows features on or off.

 It will open you a window:

Search there the function: Telnet Client.

And check it:
Click OK.

How to use it:

We need the public ip so lets open ( www.whatismyip.com )
Copy the IP Address.
And then go to the Start Menu and Search: CMD.
In the Command Prompt write: 
telnet IP 
And then click enter.

for Example: 

And then write : user

Click Enter and again write user.

It will looks like that :

Write passwd admin Password

passwd = The command for changing the password

Password = The password that you want to change for.

And then it will ask you for what user you wanna change the password.

Write Admin, after that it will ask you what password you wanna change to.

Write Whatever you want to.

And thats all for that Guide by TomerGuides.

Guide - How to forwards ports on D-LINK 6850u

Guide - How to forwards ports on D-LINK 6850u

My name is Tomer, And i have a Youtube Channel about Router Guides and etc:
 Link for the channel:
So what do we need to do?
1.  Open the Start Menu:
 And then open it:

Write in the CMD: ipconfig and press Enter.
After that you will see yours Router Default Gateway. ( Leave the CMD open we will use it again later ) 

for me it's :, For you probably it will be :

2. Go to your Browser ( Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and etc )
Copy the Defualt Gateway and search, It will take you to that page:

After you are logged in, Go to  STATUS:

And then click on DHCP Clients:

As you can see the Hostname "Tomer" ( My pc ) All what we need to do is to copy the MAC Address and the IP Adress.
 And then go to
 Setup ----> Local Network:

 And then press on "Add Entries"

 And then you need to fill the information that we copied in the above steps:
Mac Address and IP Address:

And then click on Apply.
3.  Go to the Start Menu again and search : Network Connections.
and click on View Network Connections.

Select yours Network Device for me it Ethernet:
And then right click on it and choose Properties.
 Scroll down to the option: Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)
Select it and Click on Properties:

 Fill the Information from the CMD Window ( From the above steps )
Like that: 

And then go back to the Router's Page.
And go to ADVANCED ---> Port Forwarding.

Click on Add and then it will take you to that page:

External Port Start: The start of the ports range.
For Example: If you need to open the ports, 1-200
In the start function you will fill: 1
External Port End: The end of the ports range.
On the Example above you will fill : 200
Protocol: The type of the port ( TCP, UDP, or both of them UDP/TCP )
Server IP Address: Like we did before that same one, By that the router knows to which device to open the ports
 Use Interface: All you need to know is on what Interface yours Router is using.
How to know that:
Go to STATUS ---->  WAN Info: 

Here you need to check the IPv4 Address and to see if it is the same as your public IP.
( Check here: www.whatismyip.com )
After filling all the information that you had to, Like that for Example: 

Click Apply.
And thats all for that Guide by TomerGuides.